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chill-filtered-c47cd2daba20bdf24739da9c6caee3b1a9a09734Chill filtration is a process that consists of chilling a whiskey to about 0 degrees Celsius and running it through a fin absorption filter. The process removes various residues (mainly esters, or organic compounds formed by replacing the hydrogen of an acid by an alkyl or other organic group) prior to bottling. A non-filtered whisky that is 44% ABV or lower (some say it’s 46%) will turn cloudy when water or ice is added. Believing that many consumers would see this as a defect,…

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The Corsair Malt House is Smokin’ Some Really Great Whiskey

Nashville’s Corsair Artisan Distillery may not have invented coloring outside the lines, but they’ve perfected the idea in the craft...
