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tumblr_nv72cvkqOG1sjurmwo1_500-3ca49ca218da87db78a91882819fb5ebfa5061a4As we find ourselves in the tail-end of #bourbonheritagemonth, one more post on a piece of bourbon history from Amanda Schuster…

September is Bourbon Heritage Month, celebrating the 1964 act of congress that recognizes the category as a “distinctive American product” and the 2007 bill from Kentucky senator Jim Bunning to celebrate our “Native Spirit” all throughout that month. In 2015, bourbon is more popular than ever, not only in America, but the world over. However, up until the last couple of decades, bourbon seemed to be on life support.

All spirits suffered during Prohibition between 1919…

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The Whisky Distillation Process in One Simple Infographic

Ever wonder how whisky gets distilled? There’s a lot to it, and every step has an impact on everything else. Fortunately, there...
